A new era for BV hockey

Jill Meier, Journal Editor

Brandon Valley Hockey Association board of directors and fundraising committee members celebrate Saturday’s groundbreaking for a new outdoor hockey rink at McHardy Park. Pictured are (from left) Tom Cauwels, Sarah Rasmussen, Kristi Laber, Brian Seaver, Brian Reinwald, Catrina Hruby, Jon Siverhus, Jolynn Harris, Shawn Ericson, Jon Johnson, Mallory Zell, Todd Stone and Sue Harms. Jill Meier/BV Journal

The BVHA has developed a site plan for its new outdoor refrigerated ice rink at McHardy Park. 

There was a festive spirit in the air Saturday as the Brandon Valley Hockey Association celebrated another groundbreaking moment in its six-year history. Dirt was turned during ribbon-cutting ceremonies at McHardy Park for the ice chiller, a second outdoor ice rink and the official drop of the puck for 2017-18 hockey season. 
“We’re going to a build a rink – outdoors,” announced Todd Stone from BVHA’s fundraising commitee, drawing a healthy round of applause, “and then we’re going to build an indoor rink.”
BVHS president Tom Cauwels added, “If Mother Nature cooperates, in six weeks we can be out here skating.”
Sept. 1 to Oct. 15 is the time schedule to the new sheet of ice, Stone said. 
“The next six weeks are going to be fairly critical in getting the man hours and the schedules for us to have operational ice around Oct. 15. There’s no doubt we’re going to do it, but it’s going to take each and every one of you,” Stone said.
Neither of the rinks, he added, would be possible without the support of parents, coaches, officials, corporate sponsors, private sponsors, the city of Brandon and the spirit and drive of the players.
With the upgraded ice system that allows the game to played in temperatures up to 55 degrees Fahrenheit, hockey will become a five-month sport in Brandon. 
“Typically, we can still be skating when it’s 50 degrees outside, depending on humidity and those types of things,” Stone informed.
Stone said the new outdoor rink, a $1 million system, is being done for about $450,000.
“We’re able to do that because of everybody’s commitment, because of the dollars we’ve raised so far and because of some people we’re going to give thanks to here in a minute,” he said.
The BVHA’s mission has been furthered by a plethora of sponsorships, including donations from the City of Brandon ($75,000, light poles and yearly rink maintenance), First Premier Bank ($50,000), Alliance Communications ($25,000, phone service and possible wireless capabilities at the rink), Concrete Materials ($1,000 in rebar, gravel, sand and concrete), City of Luverne, Minn. (lights for rink valued at $10,000), Johnstone Supply (hot water heater), Xcel Energy (electrical services, 1,000-amp transformer and $1,000), Electric Supply Company (electrical install at reduced rate), MidAmerican Energy (bringing in new gas line), Orion Rigging ($500 for setting new chiller), and First Rate Excavation (dirt work at reduced rate).
Stone, who’s volunteered more than 150 hours to the cause, enlightened the crowd on the status of the Association’s fundraising efforts. To date, approximately $3 million of the initial $5.9 million for an indoor ice rink and building shell at Aspen Park has been committed. The total project cost is estimated just over $8 million.
The existing rink, Stone informed, will become the “pond” and will be maintained the same as it has been. 
“This is the rink that will be open to the public at all times unless there is an event or someone has paid to use it,” Stone said.
A schedule will be posted on the BVHA website for both sheets of ice, he added.
The new outdoor rink is a sandbox-style rink, just like two of the three rinks at the Scheels IcePlex. The company the BVHA is working with is the same company that installs temporary rinks for Minnesota Hockey Day and for outdoor NHL games played in football and/or baseball stadiums.
 “As you can see, we are well on our way,” Stone said. “With each and every one of you giving of your time, your talents and your money helps make these dreams for our kids and the next generation a reality.”
The BVHS had 83 skaters involved last year, and they anticipate this year’s numbers to near 100 skaters.
“I certainly think with the new sheet of ice the excitement will build and more people will get involved, and it will only help our program,” Cauwels said. “We want people to know we’re committed. We want an indoor rink and by this going on, people are working hard to get this set up, and that’s pretty cool.”
The BVHA’s first milestone was achieved in 2011 behind a group of hockey-enthused parent’s passion to bring an outdoor rink to McHardy Park. The rink was constructed in 2012-13, and a year later, discussions began on an indoor rink and working cooperatively with the city of Brandon. Unseasonably warm weather the past two winters made it difficult to play on. 
 “When the Association started back in 2011, I don’t think any of us ever believed it would get this big, this fast. So, it’s really kind of cool to see and very humbling to see all of the dedication and the time commitment everybody has put in,” Seaver said. “I see the same excitement around when we built the outdoor rink that’s right here, except we have about 10 times more people. That’s great, because it’s about 10 times more work.”
Stone views the new outdoor rink and future indoor rink as a benefit to the community, creating new opportunities for figure skating, curling, broomball, speed skating and hockey.
“Each of us is going to have a little bit different reason as to why we’re doing this,” Stone said. “It’s for all of you and for all of your kids, at least it is for me and at least it is for a lot of people on the board. And by the time that indoor rink is built, some of our kids won’t even be playing on it, but to see the growth and see the community come together, it’s just a really good thing.”


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