Jill's Journal: We’re living in a Jetson world
“Meet George Jetson … his boy, Elroy … daughter, Judy … Jane, his wife.”
Now that I have you singing or humming “The Jetsons” theme song aloud or to yourself, you can put the blame on me.
But in all reality, I’ve unscientifically concluded that we’re living in a Jetson world these days.
While we’re not living in a utopian future or commuting to and from work in aerocars, there surely are some commonalities between the long-running cartoon that first aired in September 1962 and the gadgets we have at our fingertips today.
Anyone with a smartphone can order dinner, buy a new car or home, share a joke, research a topic, make a bank deposit, etc.
There are now vacuum cleaners that do the work for us. I even ordered one for the pool, and truth be told, I named it “Buddy,” because I really like the idea of a “man” keeping the bottom of the pool clean as can be. Oh, and I ordered it on my phone.
We have air fryers that cook our food in the blink of an eye. We have moving walkways at airports that save us steps and get us from point A to point B all the while we’re scrolling through texts on our cell phones. There are drones that fly through the air recording whatever’s happening below them, and driver-less cars on the roadways. We have electric bikes that can do the pedaling, and apps for just about everything and anything on this planet.
No longer do we have to get in our cars and drive to the movie theatre to see a new release. Nope, we can do that right in the comforts of own living rooms at any given hour of the day.
While we have yet to build homes and businesses raised high above the ground on adjustable columns, I’m not discounting that won’t happen someday in the future.
The one thing that the Jetson’s did have that I sure wish I had was Rosie, their robot maid, who performed chores not otherwise rendered trivial by the home’s numerous push-button Space Age-envisioned conveniences.
While I’m surely guilty for buying into many of these Space Age-like conveniences, at least those that I can afford to have, if there was ever a possibility that a robot maid like Rosie truly existed, she’s one roommate I’d move in without a background check or a deposit.
Until then, Buddy is all I got.