Jill's Journal: It was a fun, three-week fun
Can I just say how delighted that I am that our “Finding Brandon’s Christmas Spirit” ornament wasn’t found in the first week, or worse yet, the first day?
Well, I am.
This being our eighth ornament hunt, we’ve had those years when I was confident in the place where it was hidden would surely take someone weeks to find.
Take for instance, the year I dangled it on a branch in one of the four evergreen trees on the north side of the Brandon Fire Hall. The phrase in the week one clue that gave it away: “Four in a row is where you must go.”
That was it. Nothing about fires or alarms or red trucks. Just the “Four in a row is where you must go” lingo.
I should confess that this year’s week one clue was a bit vague. Essentially, the clue was to encourage folks to simply get out and start looking – in any direction of our city.
Week 2 was a bit more forthcoming:
“While many may view me without giving a thought,
Going forward, if you do, may cost you a lot.”
And that was followed by:
“Directionally challenged though you may be,
Perhaps you can find me dangling in a tree.”
The first hints to the road signage at the intersection of Splitrock and Aspen boulevards. If you’re coming from the west, the sign informs you that left or right is the only way you can go, and if by chance you went straight ahead, well, it’s likely there would be a repair bill or two, and possibly a fine to go along with it.
In last week’s third – and what has turned out to be – the final clue, here are the lines that brought our winners to finding the prize:
“Which way should you go is the question at hand,
Between a rock and a hard place, but not in the sand.”
“When you take a walk, look to the side,
As I’m someplace where birds and squirrels may hide.”
Given permission, I hid the ornament in one of the lighted evergreen trees outside the Redstone/Tribute office, and the winning family – the McCuen clan – plucked it off a branch.
And that’s just the intention of the ornament hunt is for family and friends to get out and search together. After all, Christmas is for kids – no matter what age we may be.
Merry Christmas.