Jill's Journal: Finding Brandon's Christmas Spirit

For the past few days, the radio in my office has been playing non-stop Christmas tunes. I occasionally catch myself singing along or whistling the melody of an upbeat holiday tune.
Just outside my door, I sometimes hear our advertising rep, Leland, humming or whistling, too.
While it’s such a simple thing – singing, humming or whistling along to a Christmas tune, whether we realize it or not, it’s all part of getting into the spirit of this gift-giving holiday.
While we’re not forming the Brandon Valley Journal choir, the staff and I at the Journal are getting into the Christmas spirit with the launch of our very first, “Finding Brandon’s Christmas Spirit” scavenger hunt. As you may have read on page one, we’ve hidden a yellow painted Christmas star ornament somewhere within the city limits of Brandon. Each week, we’ll print a new clue in the Journal that will bring you closer to “Finding Brandon’s Christmas Spirit.”
This week’s clue: “Look up. Look down. I’m hidden somewhere in town. Blue sky is above me, and green grass surrounds me.”
Sure, this week’s clue may be a bit vague, but we did that intentionally. We don’t want to make it too easy. Nor too difficult to find. We want you out there on the hunt, after all, there’s a prize – no, gifts – to be won!
It seems we’re not the only business in Brandon that’s eager to “Find Brandon’s Christmas Spirit.” A variety of local businesses have teamed up with us, and we’re ever so grateful that they’ve joined us in this Christmas spirit-building endeavor.
The yellow painted wooden Christmas star ornament features the Brandon Valley Journal logo imprinted on one side, and on the other, “I Found Brandon’s Christmas Spirit 2017.” If you’re the lucky one to “Find Brandon’s Christmas Spirit,” simply stop by the Journal office at 1401 E. Cedar St. with the ornament to claim your gift.
Once you’ve finished reading this week’s Journal, I advise you to get out on the hunt to “Find Brandon’s Christmas Spirit,” and while you’re at it – make it a family affair!