Blessing Box to put food on tables
Isabella Savage
Staff writer
The Brandon community has ways to step in to help the less fortunate, like volunteering at the Brandon Area Food Pantry or donating to other worthy causes.
Now, another new means of helping out has come to the community. Donations of non-perishable food items can be donated to the newly founded Blessing Box at Spirit of Truth Church on Annabelle Street in eastern Brandon.
The church started the new tradition this summer. Lynn Erickson, a member of the Spirit of Truth congregation, said she was inspired by a fellow worshipper that started a Blessing Box in Iowa two years ago. She said with the help of her friend in regards to knowledge and experience, Spirit of Truth is now able to bring one to Brandon.
The Blessing Box holds non-perishable food items for those in need 24/7, year-round.
“We’re hoping to get a big variety in there,” Erickson said.
The church stocks the Box with non-perishables that may be needed for breakfast, lunch, or dinner once a day. Erickson said that they want to focus on every meal for people who can use a hand up.
The church is advertising the community amenity to bring awareness to the Blessing Box, as well as using the power of word of mouth. They are also accepting donations from the community and beyond.
The Blessing Box will cater to people in Brandon, Valley Springs, and far east Sioux Falls, or anyone who can make it to the church.
Because the Blessing Box can be accessed at any time of the day – or night – essentially, food needs can be met without the church doors even being open.
“If they are evening workers, there should be something in there for them,” Erickson said. “If they have an odd schedule as far as work goes, we’re trying to fill that need.”
Although Spirit of Truth’s Blessing Box doesn’t have refrigeration yet, church staffers are looking at ways to add that to the Blessing Box offerings in the future.
Going forward, Erickson said her hopes for the Blessing Box are just that, a blessing to the community.
“We really just want to help the community for however long it takes,” she said. “We know that the economy is struggling, people are struggling. It’s hard to pay for everything, so it’s just to fill a need.”
The Blessing Box is located on the east side of Spirit of Truth Church, in the parking lot between the church and B&G Milkyway.