Jill's Journal: On time or late again ...

Jill Meier, Editor

Are you a person who makes a point to arrive early to work, family gatherings or events on time, or are you the one coming in a few minutes late?

To be honest, I fit into all three categories. Depending on the day. I’m guessing some of you do, too.

My dad made a point to be on time – well ahead of time. I still remember him waiting patiently for me getting ready for church on Sunday mornings. On more than one occasion, I told him to go ahead and I’d drive myself. 

That, of course, didn’t happen. Instead, he waited. Patiently.

Most times, despite my “tardiness”, we were still one of the first families sitting in a pew, waiting for the pre-service organ music to begin as we perused the highlights of the day’s bulletin.

There was a family in my home church growing up that like clockwork, filed down the side aisle every Sunday as the congregation was midway through the opening hymn. The last time I attended church there, the husband and wife were still following tradition.

I also have a good friend whom I often tease that she’ll be late for her own funeral. Whenever she suggests she’ll be there in five, 10 minutes, I’ve come to know better than that. Those “five, 10 minutes” realistically stretch into 25, 30 minutes later. Always, for good reason. The dog needed to be let out. A load of laundry needed to be started. Someone called.

It was a few weeks back that I arrived at church just before the opening hymn. My usually-late friend that day was unusually early. In fact, it wasn’t until she spied me at coffee fellowship after the service when she asked, “Where were you?”

“Sitting in my usual spot. Where were you?” I asked and answered.

I’m somewhat a creature of habit when it comes to church. A lot of us are. We have our certain pews or certain side of the aisle that in some sort of weird way, we stake our claim on. That was the case on this particular Sunday. My friend had wandered “across the aisle” into “unfamiliar territory.” I figured since I didn’t see her sitting in our usual area that she chose to take in services with “Reverend Mattress and Pastor Pillow” that day.

I know one thing for certain, though. There are sure to be times when I’ll arrive early, right on time, or perhaps a few minutes late. And maybe, just maybe, I’ll “wander” across the aisle for a different view.


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