The Absent Uncle: The left-handed mustache cup

D.C. Schultz, Guest columnist

A way back when, when I was going to college after getting my discharge from the Navy, I was walking across the Student Union Center and was hailed by one of the many student artists/vendors that were hawking their creations to passing students. 

This bearded, long-haired artist – as all student artists were in those days– was a potter and was displaying, among other things he had made, coffee cups with a mustache protector, to allow the user to sip his coffee and keep his mustache clean and dry. A mustache cup.

As part of his call to me was in reference to my prominent mustache and the Styrofoam cup of coffee in my hand, “You need one of my cups to protect that mustache! C’mon over here and take a look.” 

I have to admit, I was not an art aficionado – in fact I don’t think I ever really looked closely at any of the vendors offerings, much less bought anything. But there was something about his appeal to me to come and look things over; it was personal – my mustache, my coffee, his contagious smile, and really those cups were somewhat attractive.  

So, I looked closer; picked up a couple and liked the style, the heft, and how the handle fit into my grip. Hmmm. 

Suddenly it came to me. All of these cups were made for right handers! The mustache protector would do no good to a lefty like me. Thinking a sale was about to be made, the artist confidently asked, “Which one do you want?” 

My reply, “None of them, they are all right-handed mustache cups, I am left-handed”. He immediately went on the defensive, declaring his cups could be used with either hand, and I pointed out the deficiency to my effective usage. It was a good-natured conversation and ended with him asking me to return in a week. I told him no promises on buying anything, but I would come back to see him. 

A week later, I was walking by his booth and noted a fairly large hand lettered sign proclaiming “Left-Hand Mustache Cups”. Smiling, I stopped and took a look. Quite a selection of attractive cups. I started to look more closely when he noticed me. “You came back! I have something for you”. He reached into a box and handed me a cup. 

“They are selling like crazy. Who knew there were so many left-handed coffee drinkers with mustaches? This is the first one I made, and I want you to have it for giving me the idea; it was designed with you in mind.” 

That cup has seen me through college, a long career in many, many office locations, and now still in retirement. It has three small chips on the rim (and I remember where and when each of them happened).  

Its design is unique, has been the object of many questions, started a lot of conversations, and it is still my daily coffee cup 50 years later.


The Brandon Valley Journal


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