The Absent Uncle - Gardening: Part 1
It’s spring! I know I am quite a bit south of Brandon, but I just know some of you feel it too.
After all, March Madness is upon us; a sure sign that spring is close. And that brings us to the real treasure of spring: gardening.
I come from a family of gardeners. When you live on a farm, well, you just have to garden. From the projected end of frost, seeds need to be planted, beds need to be worked, and you are looking forward to the rewards and challenges of the upcoming growing season.
On the home farm, my mom had an extensive gardening system. Two plats: one with berries (bush and bed), potatoes, squash, and melons. The other with tomatoes, cucumbers, beans, peas, lettuce, and onions. Of course, she had a couple of rows of sweet corn out in the cornfield. Let’s not forget the wild asparagus in the road ditch out front, a number of rhubarb plants, and the sprinkling of dill.
She planned it, we worked it – we did as told. Part of this was to have the freshest vegetables throughout the summer and then the home canning process to provide through the winter. It was a time-honored tradition.
We had a multitude of gardeners that came from this home “stalk”. Your editor’s father had a fabulous garden in St. James. He shared his bounty from his oversized garden with many of his neighbors and friends.
A grandson became the General Manager of a large gardening business in Southeast Minnesota because of understanding of how to help people to develop plantings and gardens. It is all part of spring. The season of growth, the season of hope for a great harvest (or at least something), and just getting your finger, hands into the dirt. Planting.
Next week: Gardening Part 2