REALLY? One word for 2019

Dr. P. Myles Dixon, Dixon Chiropractic
For most people New Year’s resolutions simply don’t work. Shockingly, only eight percent of people actually achieve their resolution. We have a little twist on the New Year’s resolution based on the book One Word That Can Change Your Life by Jon Gordon, Dan Britton and Jimmy Page. 
Hopefully you’re wondering, “Could one word change a life? More importantly: Could one word change my life?” I assure you, one word has transformed hundreds of thousands of lives – including mine and those of many members of our Envive Chiropractic team. 
Having a single, inspired word to focus on for an entire year will guide you toward becoming the best version of yourself. This word reinforces and develops your vision. It will powerfully enhance all areas of your life: emotional wellness, relationships, financial fitness, spiritual health and professional rapport. Gordon, Britton and Page explain that to get the most of your one word: 1) “look up for guidance,” 2) “look inward,” and 3) “live out your word.” They emphasize that your word will come from inspiration, but it requires that you unplug and get quiet so you are capable of truly listening.
 When we go through the process of discerning what that one word should be; when we ask, “What one word can I focus on this year to have the biggest impact on my life?” we are going to find answers we need to hear – not necessarily what we want. Sometimes it’s what we need to let go of. 
Although I would like to claim that I choose a new word each year, it seems more like each word has chosen me. Yes, I consult with my mentors for insight as I “look inward,” and it often takes weeks (for me) to find confirmation of my word. But it’s almost as if “the word” increasingly finds its way into my awareness until I accept it. 
My word last year was “freedom,” and it took on a much deeper meaning and direction than I ever anticipated it would. You will likely find how, fascinatingly, the central theme of this word will integrate itself into every area of your life. Then again, that’s the point, isn’t it? Keep it front and center – everywhere, every day. I had “FREEDOM” plastered on my computer, my phone and note book to help remind me. 
What “one word” will propel you forward – toward your goals and dreams – this year? Take time to read the book One Word That Can Change Your Life. Invite each member of the family to join. Share one word with your team at work or school. You’ll find yourself on a rewarding journey toward becoming a better version of yourself, and – even better – you will join those closest to you on their journeys as well.



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